Owning and/or starting a business is no walk in the park. There’s plenty of hurdles to overcome, not least of which is purchasing your equipment. Depending on your area of expertise; disaster restoration, climate control, bed bug remediation, etc., and your clientele, you need to be prepared with the right amount of equipment to fulfill your workflow.
Even on a smaller scale, the specialty equipment needed for your services represents a major expense for your business, and determines your ability to grow as a company. You can try cutting corners with inexpensive heating units, but to ensure a quality job is completed, you’ll want to provide your business and crew(s) with state-of-the-art technology that is tried and true.
Whether you’re a newcomer or an established service provider, the expenses for the equipment you need to run your business will hit your bottom line. Ultimately, the name of the game is to garner a greater ROI with an investment in your business, but it still takes money to make money. Luckily the team at Thermal Flow understands this and has partnered with Credit Key to provide business financing solutions that will allow you greater freedom to reinvest in your business. They are here to help with financing for climate control solutions for your business!
Reinvest in Your Business, Credit Key’s Flexible Solutions

Thermal Flow’s new partnership with Credit Key provides enterprising opportunities for businesses to allocate capital towards; adding team members and bandwidth, expansion of services, larger service area, and much more.
Credit Key is different from a lease or a financed loan. It acts as a line of credit, allowing you and your business to purchase necessary supplies and equipment, from construction heaters to bed bug remediation equipment. With the added bonus of getting pre-approved before ordering, you can qualify for a line of credit up to $50,000. You have the flexibility to use the line of credit and pay as needed over a 12 month term.
You will need to gather some preliminary information before qualifying, which you can read more about on our Financing page, but it’s still incredibly easy and parallels other financing approval processes. The Credit Key application is a “soft inquiry” and will not impact an applicant’s FICO®/credit score.
A Trusted Partner for a Trusted Supplier
The team at Thermal Flow understands the challenges of operating and maintaining a business. Our keen, technical knowledge and hands-on experience makes us industry leaders in the field, and allows us to educate our customers when providing state-of-the-art equipment and supplies for all facets of climate control, disaster restoration, and bed bug remediation services. The team at Thermal Flow is invested in your success, and we want to help you grow your business; whether you are expanding your existing business or starting a new company. We are happy to guide you on the best options for your unique business needs.
We are proud and excited about our partnership with Credit Key, to give our customers that power and flexibility to invest their money right back into their business, allowing them to grow and flourish in these competitive markets.
If you have a need for financing for your climate control solutions or questions about getting started with a financing plan, reach out to one of our expert Thermal Flow team members at 833-647-0913(FLOW).