Air Movers
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Air Movers for Disaster & Water Restoration
Air movers are an essential piece of equipment for effective disaster restoration. With water damage, it is crucial to make sure you deliver energy to every inch of affected space to remove any lingering moisture. After all, even a very small amount of moisture can cause big problems down the road.
To avoid finding a budding mold problem a few weeks down the road, it is important that you have the appropriate number of air movers, dehumidifiers/heaters, and accurate moisture measurement equipment when you are tackling water damage after a flood or another disaster. Thermal Flow Technologies has a few different options available that we have selected specifically for use in disaster restoration projects.
Shop our selection of air movers for water restoration projects online. To learn more about our industrial heaters and other equipment, contact us today either online or by phone at 833-401-3569. Our professional team will be able to recommend the right equipment for your project from there.
Why You Need an Air Mover
Air movers are essential to provide rapid evaporation of moisture in wet structures. When drying with forced-air heating systems, the circulated hot air from your heater and air movers do the work of evaporating moisture in the structure being treated. If any area is not reached by the heated air, there is a risk it will remain damp and could become weak or moldy in the days and weeks to come. In addition to creating even stratification, air movers will help speed up the drying process as well.
It is possible you would be able to heat the area you are restoring without an air mover, but doesn’t translate to proper drying. Using an air mover ensures that you maximize the use of the heated and dehumidified air as it travels through the structure. All that is left is to make sure you get the right air mover for the job.
3 Kinds of Air Movers
At Thermal Flow Technologies, we offer three kinds of air movers, each optimized for different uses. These include:
- Axial Air Movers: Axial air movers move air in one direction horizontally and are best for very large spaces that are relatively open. They also have larger air paths, allowing for more material to be restored. Stands air available to convert our axials into multi-directional air moving devices.
- Low-Profile Air Movers: The low-profile option is best for spot drying and can be quicker and easier to use than the other two. They are also a bit quieter.
- Centrifugal Air Movers: Finally, the centrifugal air mover can move air in many directions at once, depending on orientation. These are effective for hard-to-reach areas like crawl spaces of complicated structures.
Thermal Flow Technologies provides all three options, with moisture meters, commercial dehumidifiers, and other accessories for easy heat drying.
Additionally, an advantage of getting your air moving equipment from Thermal Flow Technologies is that all of our offerings are low-amp options. While they each provide plenty of power and can effectively dry large spaces, they will not overload a normal electrical supply. This means all our equipment can plug into a normal outlet, and you will not need any additional power supply to use our heat drying system.
Contact Us to Learn More About Our Air Movers for Disaster Restoration
To learn more and explore the different options we have available, contact us either online or by phone at 833-401-3569 and ask about our industrial heaters and other water restoration equipment. From there, someone from our team can assess your project’s needs, provide consultation, and get the right equipment to you quickly and without hassle. After all, if you are dealing with water damage, you have enough on your plate already.